Omaha’s Leading Sleep Dentists
The Advanced Dental Sleep Treatment Center is Nebraska’s leading institution for sleep dentistry. We are the only sleep institution of its kind in the region that solely focuses on sleep health. Sleep apnea is not only one of the most under-diagnosed conditions in America, but it is also one of the most serious. Our mission is to reach every person with sleep apnea and help them get the sleep apnea treatment they need to live happy and healthy lives. We achieve our mission by assisting people to get their sleep apnea diagnosed, educating patients on their sleep apnea treatment options, and providing first-rate sleep apnea treatment.
Our Services

Our sleep dentists are the most trusted Sleep Apnea Treatment providers in Omaha, Nebraska with more continued education, years of experience, and state-of-the-art computer equipment than any other treatment provider in the region. Our dentists have thousands of hours of continued education, with over 500 of those hours focused on the study of sleep.
Our advanced techniques and extensive experience result in our patients enjoying over a 90% success rate in our treatment. Call our Omaha office at (402) 493-4175 today.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can result in severe health complications without treatment. One of the best ways to ensure you get treatment in time is by recognizing the symptoms of sleep apnea and getting help as soon as possible. One of the most common symptoms to watch for is snoring at night. It’s also important to recognize symptoms including morning headaches, gasping or choking for air during sleep, feeling tired throughout the day, irritability, dry mouth in the morning, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty staying asleep. If you recognize any of these symptoms, we highly encourage you to visit us for an appointment.